Echelon Wellness proudly offers Pension Assessments for Veterans, free-of-charge. The Veteran gets to keep 100% of their pension proceeds.

A Tax-free, financial payment to support your well being. The amount you receive depends on the degree to which your condition is related to your service and the severity of your condition, including its impact on your quality of life.
Echelon Wellness assists Veterans with applying for pensioned conditions that are caused by service-related injuries. Depending on your needs, you will meet with either:
A Nurse Practitioner (if applying for a physical based condition) or
i.e. Erectile Dysfunction, knee issues, feet issues
A Psychologist (if applying for a mental based condition)
i.e. PTSD, depression, anxiety
There are also additional types of benefits that a Veteran is eligible to receive:
Additional pain and suffering compensation
Monthly payments in recognition of any severe and permanent disability, related to your service, which creates a barrier to life after service
Caregiver Recognition benefit
Monthly payment for an informal caregiver, such as a family member or friend, who provides you with daily personal care
Attendance allowance
Monthly payments for a disability pension whose health needs require daily personal care support
Exceptional incapacity allowance
Monthly payment for a disability pensioner if your illness or injury impacts your quality of life
If you are interested in learning more about pension assessments, or other services, please contact us today.