Kinesiology is the scientific study of human movement, performance and function. Kinesiology incorporates the sciences of biomechanics, anatomy, physiology, psychology and neuroscience into an all-encompassing healthcare practice.
Kinesiologists work with people of all ages and physical abilities in many settings to help them achieve their health and wellness goals, and improve quality of life.
Kinesiologists are leaders in the prevention of injury and chronic disease. The Public Health Agency of Canada found that “Physical activity has been shown to reduce the risk of over 25 chronic conditions.”
Kinesiologists are committed to enhancing quality of life through:
the promotion of physical activity and workplace health and safety
the prevention and management of injury, chronic disease and disability
overall improvement of health and performance
Kinesiology uncovers the biomechanical, physiological, neurological, and psychosocial mechanisms that drive human function and performance through:
Musculoskeletal Assessment
Postural Evaluation and Education
Rehabilitative and Functional Re-training Exercise
Fitness Conditioning for Weight Loss, Cardiovascular Training, and Muscular Development
Diabetes Management Strategies
Kinesiologists use the latest evidence-based research to treat and prevent injury and disease. Kinesiologists incorporate strength, balance, cardiovascular fitness, and flexibility to assist people in restoring function, and reducing pain associated with physical dysfunctions.